Work on is finally in full gear. I took my time with the first step, because I felt that a good first impression was important for a site like this. It needed to be something that represented my attitude towards this fight. So yeah… the champ was a no brainer, and never cliché.
I had to break out Gimp to darken the original image so that it would blend better as a background image, taking note from the default images used in the Parallax theme. Contrast up a bit, and brightness down did the trick. I’m quite satisfied with it.
I’ve created an “about me” page as well… but I could easily incorporate that into the homepage using Parallax’s Home Section widgets. I’m weighing the options. I kinda like the one-shot look of just the opening image and the option to read more with a click. For now, the “read more” button doesn’t go anywhere.
I can make a final decision on that later. For now the next thing is to get the content flowing. I’ll also decide what cancer resource links I’ll add to the site. I really want enough content in place for it to be launched Monday or Tuesday.